Summary: Iliana is in a hotel room. A vampire is drinking her blood and offering sexual pleasure to her pussy, but has she accepted this? Explicit version.
I'm Iliana, one of the D.I.V.A. In a hotel room, I'm sitting on this man. His lips are on my neck. His right hand rubs my pussy gently. I'm naked.
Suddenly, he bites my neck and his fingers enter my pussy. I moan and cry out in surprise. I don't understand. Have I given my consent? I can't remember. My thoughts and ideas are jumbled.
The vampire sucks my blood and gives me pleasure. Heat rises inside me as his fingers explore my tunnel. His fingers take their time, circling my wet walls and squeezing my G-spot. I moan again and louder. I like it, but I feel strange. Have I accepted this? His fingers continue to squeeze my G-spot and, when I come, I scream with pleasure.
The vampire man withdraws his wet fingers from my pussy. He stops drinking my blood. He asks me to stand up, I obey robotically and he hands me a towel. I wipe my pussy, then he stands up. He fetches my blue skin-tight space suit. The vampire gives it to me and, after I've put my clothes back on, he hands me some money. A thousand intergalactic dollars. A fortune.
"As we agreed, Lady Iliana." He said. "I hope to see you again."
Mechanically, I take the money, turn my back on him and leave the hotel room.
Outside the hotel, it's raining. The water wets my hair, my face and my blue suit. It "wakes me up". I remember now.
The vampire's name is Graham. He'd hired me for a mission, but he wanted to give me the details at this hotel. I met him there. He took me to the room and... did this.
This was "it," the mission. Blood and sexual pleasure for my pussy. I'd accepted the mission, sure, but... I didn't want this! I start to cry. I'm still crying when I enter the Star Diva, our spaceship.
When Diana asks me if my mission with Graham went well, I don't say anything to my leader, but I do give her the money. If she, Victoria and Alissa find out what happened, they'll want to avenge me. Victoria will want to kill Graham and I don't want that. Even though my body is still warm with pleasure, it hurts. It hurts so much.
In my room, in my bed, I wonder if Timothée would have done the same, even though he's not a vampire. He wants me so much. I know he wants his penis in my pussy. My tears have stopped.